Strategic Planning Questionnaire

This Questionnaire is provided as a guide for identifying and addressing the strategic issues facing the organization. This input will be used to prepare for a Strategic Planning Session. Your responses will be combined with other respondents and presented to the planning team before the planning session. Your individual answers will be kept confidential.

The first six boxes request some basic background information about you and your association with the organization. Please remember to select the company or organization from the drop-down box in item 2. The ID Code is only used to validate that the questionnaire was not completed improperly by someone else. If your request did not include an ID Code, you may skip box 6.

When completing the remaining portions of the questionnaire, you may add as many items as you like. The boxes will scroll to allow additional information. You may type over your responses if you would like to change your answers. For best results, place each Strength, Weakness, etc, on a separate line. Be sure to click the "Submit" button when you are satisfied with your responses. Once you have submitted your questionnaire you may not change your responses. You should complete and submit your questionnaire only one time.  If you have any questions or problems with this questionnaire, you may contact us directly for assistance.

Part 1 - Background
1.) Your Name (Optional)
2.) Your Organization
3.) Indicate: Staff Volunteer, Other Volunteer, Donor, Supporter
4.) Your Department (if applicable)
5.) Yrs of Service/Membership
6.) ID Code (Optional)
Part 2 - Strategic Input


Strengths are significant positive factors or competitive advantages within an organization that may be capitalized on in the future. These are the things that the organization does very well and that have contributed to the organization's success.

What are the greatest internal Strengths of your organization?


Weaknesses are significant negative factors or obstacles within an organization that may prevent that organization from obtaining its goals and objectives.

What are the most serious internal Weaknesses of your organization?


Opportunities are major external situations or events that may exist now or will occur in the future. If exploited, these Opportunities could improve the organization's position or performance.

What are the most significant external Opportunities facing your organization?


Threats are major external obstructions or risks that may exist now or occur in the future. These Threats should be avoided, minimized, or managed.

What are the most significant external Threats facing your organization?

Critical Issues

Critical Issues are the issues that must be addressed in order to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. These are the barriers that stand in the way of the organization's ultimate success.

What are the most significant Critical Issues facing your organization?